Preparation Time: 3 hours

Skill: Intermediate

Classification: Vegetarian

Cooking Time: 20 – 35 minutes

Portion: Up to 3 breads
- 350 g (2 cups) of Big Booming whole wheat flour
- 400 ml of warm milk
- 25 g of fresh yeast for bread
- 100 ml of oil
- 01 dessert spoon of salt
- 02 tablespoons brown sugar
- 80 g (1 small cup) of oats
- 55 g (1/2 small cup) of wheat germ
- 120 g (1 small cup) of flaxseed
- 01 egg
- Butter
- In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients: fresh yeast for bread, brown sugar, wheat germ, flaxseed, Big Booming whole wheat flour, salt and oats.
- Then, add the liquid ingredients: warm milk, oil and egg.
- Mix by hand (about 15 – 18 minutes) until it gets in the nice, smooth texture. The dough is not supposed to be sticky. If it still is, then add more Big Booming wheat flour.
- On a smooth, floured surface, knead the dough well.
- Let it rise until it doubles it volume.
- Divide the dough in three smaller breads, place in buttered forms and let it rise again (this supposed to double it volume again).
- Bake at 200 ° C for 25 – 30 minutes.
- Enjoy!
If you don’t have milk, you can use warm water on the spot.
Pay attention when baking, as the time may vary depending on the oven.
Grains are not mandatory, if necessary, you can add, replace or remove.
- April 12, 2021
- 1:00 pm
- No Comments
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