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Why are shipping costs so high right now?

Its a container, looking by down to up, with the phrase in the sky: Why are shipment cost so high right now?

It’s not necessary to make the international trade segment notice that international shipments are facing a huge problem for more than almost one and a half years. Everyone in the whole world can become conscious of that when it’s hard to find some products in the supermarket and also because of the high prices that are scaring everyone.

Coming back to the question of this blog “Why are shipping costs so high right now?” we can summarize it in one word: COVID 19.

Since the beginning of the Covid 19 situation, the whole world has passed through profound changes. The obligatory lockdown in all countries. Social distancing. New health rules and new security procedures for all sectors. All of these affected the international trade directly and made the shipping costs shoot up. According to the article Higher Shipping Costs are Here to Stay, Sparking Price Increases – from Bloomberg Economic News, “the price for a 40-foot container is 25% to 50% higher than a year ago”, that increased the end price for all companies in international trade.

Shipping companies have faced numerous troubles and they have needed to follow some lockdown and health security policies. Because of that, companies in this segment halved the quantities of vessels and voyages along the major trade routes. The price of containers is increasing daily – Specialists are saying that will keep that way for a long period of time from now on -. It’s almost impossible to find one empty container, and congestion in ports around the world is one of the facts that is enhancing all of those problems.

According to the TIME all these problems can affect long-distance routes. For example, “making shipping from Shanghai to Rotterdam 67% more expensive than to the U.S. West Cost”.

As you can see, there are a lot of issues and the scenario is not that favorable to international shipping. With less than 100 days to the next year, we’re in the moment of strong sales. Companies are preparing their storage to have enough merchandise to meet all market demands with good price in the end of the year, because of that they are buying in bulk. However, we can offer to you a way forward through all of these shipping issues.

Boom Plus: A way forward from all of that!

We have been a company that has worked hard to always meet all necessities of our buyers. During the past sixteen years we created an amazing relationship with shipment companies and we’re in the higher category of preference. We can use our commercial relations to create the perfect deal for you with the lowest price in the market. You can directly ask the shipment company for a quote, and compare the prices; you will notice that our price is the best for your business. By the way, we can be the perfect match for your business. We offer products with higher quality and low shipment price. Thus, your profit in the end is going to be higher and the price for the end buyer will not increase so much, and you can sell the entire product easily. Despite all of the problems facing the current international shipments, we can offer to you a way forward. We never consider any problem as an obstacle. Instead, it’s the characteristic of the Boom Plus Team to confront these problems as challenges by making sure that we fulfill all the requirements of our customers and by getting them the best prices and best routes. Talk with our sales team and ask for a quote. As always, it’s going to be a pleasure to talk with you.

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